Saturday, August 31, 2019

Nsd 225 Study Guide

Review for test #3 1. Calcium is not well absorbedless that 30% 2. A major mineral means you need more of it. 3. The six major minerals are calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and chlorine. The rest are trace minerals, which are not less important, but you just need them in less amounts. 4. Minerals are 0 calories. 5. The best source of iron is beef, liver, or meat. 6. The best source of zinc is beef, liver, or meat. 7. Vitamin C will help you absorb iron twice as much (double the absorption). 8. Sea salt, they say, contains iodide, but it is silly to pay more and get nothing extra for it.Sea salt is not better than table saltiodine leaves as a gas (sublimes from solid to gas form). 9. We need iodide to make thyroid hormone, which is important because it influences our overall metabolism. Also, if you don’t have enough iron, you will be fatigued, and children that are deficient won’t grow. Finally, you need it to prevent goiter, an enlargement of the thyr oid (around the Great Lakes and west = the goiter belts). 10. The major function of zinc: for many enzymes systems to work, for sexual maturation and growth, for wound healing, for protein metabolism and immune system. 1. Fluoride deficiency will result in dental caries (holes in teeth). 12. There is 500 mg of calcium carbonate in Tums, but since calcium carbonate is only composed of 40% calcium, there is 200 mg of pure calcium in Tums. 13. Iron is VERY POORLY absorbed; only 5-10% of iron is absorbed by normal adults. 14. The best source of potassium is potatoes. 15. If you don’t have enough potassium, it may result in cardiac arrest or an irregular heartbeat (death) [also caused by too much]. 16.The major function of magnesium that it is needed as part of bones and part of muscle; also, it is an activator of more than 300 enzymes, and it’s necessary to maintain electrical potential of nerve and muscle and for transmission of never impulses. 17. The major function of c hromium is that it acts as a cofactor for insulin, which is needed for maintaining normal glucose metabolism (chromium in humans declines with age). 18. Phosphorus is present in all foods especially milk and milk products and liver and other animal-food protein sources. About half the phosphorus in the USA diet comes from milk, meat, poultry, and fish. 9. The main sodium food source is table salt. Only 10% of salt intake comes from natural content of foods, 15% is from salt added during cooking and at table, and 75% from salt added during processing and manufacturing. 20. To decrease high blood pressure, lose weight. Also, eating salt doesn’t help for high blood pressure. 21. Folate RDA is over twice non-pregnant RDA (for increased blood supply and for growth of baby) so folate supplements are often prescribed. Also, need zinc for growth, B-12 for red blood cells, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium for bones.In addition, iron supplements during pregnancy and after delivery ar e recommended (baby should have enough to last 3-6 months**); fluoride is needed for teeth to begin in the 5th month of pregnancy. Nutrients to double during pregnancyfolate and probably iron. 22. You can NOT make up nutrients from a skipped breakfast. 23. Teenagers need to snack to get nutrients. 24. Adolescents aren’t well fed because they are too busy, eat out with their friends, skip breakfast, poor choice of snacks, avoid milk because they falsely think it is fattening, fear of becoming fat, use of fad diets especially by girls, and girls don’t get enough milk,. 5. Vegetables should be added first to an infant’s diet (after about 4-6 months). 26. Nutrition advice for anorexia patients included increasing caloric intake slowly (start at 800-1200 kcal), balanced diet, vitamin/mineral supplements, small frequent meals, use liquid supplements if necessary, and reduce caffeine. Also, don’t overload food, and persuade them they are thin enough. 27. Do not drink alcohol during pregnancy because even one binge may increase the risk of fetal alcohol syndrome (brain damage and physical retardation in infants). 28. The biggest advantage of breast milk during pregnancy is its immune factors. 9. Parents shouldn’t tell children to clean their plates. 30. How do you encourage children to try new foods? 31. In order to encourage a child to eat, be positive, when they are finished take their plate (they will snack later), don’t tell them there are people starving, don’t give rewards for eating. 32. Older folks who have baby aspirin every day bleed more in the gut (gastrointestinal bleeding), so they need more iron. 33. As you age, BMR decreases, you need less food and more exercise, your appetite decreases, and usually you don’t get enough nutrients. 34.The primary function of water is as a solvent; it transports nutrients to cells and removes waste. Also, it lubricates joints, food in the mouth, and helps lubricate food as it moves down the digestive tracts. Water is needed in the chemical reactions of digestion and must be available for digestion to occur. Water helps regulate body temperature by secreting sweat and is a structural component of the body (it is necessary to retain the shape of cells and tissues). 35. Complex carbs are: bread, cereal, pasta, and vegetables. 36. Thirst is not an adequate guide for infants, those who are sick, and athletes. 7. 50-75% of body weight is water. 38. Hyperactivity in children is caused by caffeine, not sugar. 39. There is NO nutrient herbal preparation that will cure cancer. 40. The best advice to prevent cancer is to eat a variety of foods, get all nutrients, and help prevent too much harmful junk getting into you. 41. RDA for calcium for adults 51 and older is 1200 mg. 42. There are 300 mg of calcium in a glass of milk (it doesn’t matter whether it is skim, whole, 1%, or 2%). 43. Common food allergies are nuts, soy, milk, and eggs. 44. When u nder stress, the hormone cortisol produces fat. 45.A critical period during pregnancy defines a time early in pregnancy when an event happens and will never happen again. It is a certain time during development in which the event occurs that will have irreversible effects on later developmental stages (it is usually a period of cell division). 46. Colostrum contains immune factors and anti-infection that will help a baby. 47. The WIC program is a nutritional education component that takes care of people who can’t take care of themselves. 48. The major function of phosphorusit has more functions that any other mineral. 49. Advantages of infant formula = father can feed. 0. Your peak bone mass is from 25-30 years old. 51. 5 reasons girls get osteoporosis: girls live longer, guys drink more milk, girls get pregnant and breastfeed, girls are smaller (have smaller bones). 1. Iron is NOT a major mineral. 2. Females need more iron—it is almost impossible for females to eat a diet providing the RDA for iron and stay within 2000 kcal. 3. Iron deficiency anemia may be the most prevalent deficiency disease in humans. 4. PICA = eating non-food items (laundry starch, clay, ice cubes), may denote low iron intake 5. OJ would help you absorb more iron from your diet (double the absorption). . Iodide toxicity also results in goiter. 7. Copper deficiency hardly ever happens. 8. Fluoride is not essential, but is essential for teeth. 9. Chromium deficiency results in impaired glucose tolerance. 10. Sodium has a small role in high blood pressure. 11. Monosodiumglutamate (MSG) adds sodium big time. 12. The major function of iron is that it is a constituent of hemoglobin in red blood cells and myoglobin in muscle. Also, iron is essential in transportation of oxygen from lungs to tissues and it’s needed for oxidation-reduction reactions. 13. Minerals are essential, but do not provide energy (no calories).Many are needed to make body structures such as bones, need ed as activators for enzyme systems, and they are poorly absorbed and can definitely be harmful if taken in excess. 14. 99% of calcium is in the bone with 1% in body fluids. 15. Dairy council said calcium may have an effect on weight loss. 16. Phyates acid in seeds, nuts, and grain decrease calcium absorption. 17. Females do not have enough calcium! 18. You MUST get enough calcium from childhood to age 25. 19. Calcium is enriched in some sources such as OJ and bread. 20. Most people don’t know what’s in the supplements they take. 1. 10 million Americans over 50 have osteoporosis, 1. 5 million have a bone fracture, 1 in 5 who have a hip fracture die. Women lose 6 inches from osteoporosis. 22. Phosphorus in excess in the diet probably does not negatively affect calcium absorption. The problem is that high carbonated beverages/soda take the place of milk intake. 23. The FDA cited over 18 manufacturers of Coral Calcium for making false claims that the supplement is a cure- allthe U. S. Marshalls seized $26 million worth. 24. Phosphorus is an essential component of bone mineral, where it occurs in the Ca:P of 2:1.About 85% of the phosphorus in the adult body is found in bone. Phosphorus is absorbed very well by the small intestine as free phosphate. 25. Availability of phosphorus in grains, especially bran, is doubtful because of phytates in grain which will bind with phosphorus. 26. 4 functions of calcium: bone formation, response to nerves, blood clotting, normal rhythm of heartbeat. 27. Functions of phosphorus (more functions than any other mineral): absorption of glucose, transport of fatty acids, buffering system. 28. Phosphorus is very well absorbed70% 29.Functions of magnesium: bones, muscle, enzyme activator, electrical impulse. 30. Americans age 15-24 have a HIGHER death rate than 20 years ago, not nutrition related but due to violent death and injury, alcohol and drug abuse, unwanted pregnancies, STDs. 31. By 18 months, the brain growth is 90 % complete and by 10 years, 95% complete, so there is no real adolescent spurt in head circumference. 32. The two major complications related to teenage pregnancy are low birth weight infants (LBW) and pre-eclampsia, which is toxemia of pregnancy characterized by hbp, albuminuria, edema of feet and legs. 33.Over 90% of adolescents snack. 34. There’s NO scientific evidence that foods such as chocolate, soft drinks, or peanut butter cause acne. 35. Peer pressure influences eating behavior. 36. Eating disorders increase among college-aged females and ballet dancers because they want to be in control. 37. Eating disorders should not be treated by amateurs—you need a team of health professionals: psychiatrist, dietitian, physician. 38. No particular nutrient of type of food can retard the aging process. 39. Buillion is clear soup—no nutritional value. 40. Stories of unusual longevity in other countries were found to be untrue. 1. Lactose intolerance = eat cheese, yog urt, or lactaid milk. 42. The elderly need to either increase calories or decrease calories, depending upon whether they are skinny or fat. 43. As you age, basal metabolic rate decreases each decade after maturity (you need less calories to stay alive, need to move more). 44. No RDA for 100 year olds, only for 70 and under. 45. Dehydration is the worst thing for you because you can die from it, especially athletes. 46. Infant birthweight is the single most important indicator of the infant’s future health status.A low birthweight (LBW) baby is defined as weighing less than 5. 5 lbs. 47. Risk factors for pregnancy include heavy smoking, alcohol abuse, age 15 or under, among others. 48. You need . 4 mg of folic acid/day (pregnancy). 49. Effects of nutrient deficiencies during pregnancy include: calories (low infant birthweight), vitamin D (LBW), folate (miscarriage and neural tube defect—brain and spinal cord defects) 50. During pregnancy, women should be under the care of a health professional. 51. One of the smallest increases recommended is for energy.Pregnancy requires only 300 extra kcal per day during the 2md and 3rd trimesters. 52. During pregnancy, women should select foods of high nutrient density. 53. Weight gain should be in second half of pregnancy. 54. 25-30 lbs. = total weight gain for pregnant women. 55. Practices to avoid during pregnancy: limit caffeine, stop smoking, do not take any prescribed medications, do not use street drugs, do not diet, do not drink alcohol. 56. Advantages of breast feeding: nutritionally superior to any alternative, contains a variety of anti-infectious factors and immune cells, mother’s uterus shrinks faster. 57.Colostrum: a yellow milk-like secretion from the breast, rich in protective factors that comes into the breast before milk is ready for secretion. It starts in first day or so—may be present for up to 2 weeks. 58. The infant doubles his/her birth weight in the first 3 to 4 months; tr iples before year one. 59. For the first four months, 1/3 of the calories are needed for growth. During 4-12 months, the baby needs 10% or less for growth and the rest for activity. 60. Start new foods one at a time so that allergies can be detected. Rice cereal is usually started first mixed with formula to make it very dilute. 1. Never feed honey to an infant since honey may contain botulina spores. 62. Don’t feed baby skim milkbabies need calories and the fat for growth. 63. Age infants should start having table food = 1 year. 64. Reducing the risk of cancer = eat cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, kale, turnips, brussel sprouts). 65. Red wine MIGHT help cancer (not sure). 66. Exercise when you are feeling stressedprevent cortisol from building up body fat. 67. Men eat less during stress and women eat more. 68. Mild depression or chronic stress harms immunity. 69.There is a link between stress and the urge to eat. 70. Over 75-90% of all doctor’s office visit s are for stress-related ailments and complaints. 71. Water is the most important nutrient. 72. You can live 30 days without food, but only 3 days without water (except in the desertless). 73. The average adult’s body weight is from 50-60% water, most controlled by hormones. 74. There’s no RDA for water. Sources of water include most beverages except those containing alcohol and caffeine; fruits and vegetables are 75% to 96% or more water, bread is 36% water, beef is 72% water. 5. Much water is lost through the skin, which cools the skin by evaporation. 76. Weight loss of over 20% by water leads to death. 77. Water intoxication is rarely seen in healthy people. 78. High altitude = low oxygenneed more water. 79. There is low chlorine in bottled water. 80. Football players in summer practice may lose 6-8% of body weight by water. 81. Drinks with more than 10% sugar won’t get into the body as fast (Gatorade has about 10% sugar). 82. You lose water through breathing out, sweating, and through excretions. Nsd 225 Study Guide Review for test #3 1. Calcium is not well absorbedless that 30% 2. A major mineral means you need more of it. 3. The six major minerals are calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and chlorine. The rest are trace minerals, which are not less important, but you just need them in less amounts. 4. Minerals are 0 calories. 5. The best source of iron is beef, liver, or meat. 6. The best source of zinc is beef, liver, or meat. 7. Vitamin C will help you absorb iron twice as much (double the absorption). 8. Sea salt, they say, contains iodide, but it is silly to pay more and get nothing extra for it.Sea salt is not better than table saltiodine leaves as a gas (sublimes from solid to gas form). 9. We need iodide to make thyroid hormone, which is important because it influences our overall metabolism. Also, if you don’t have enough iron, you will be fatigued, and children that are deficient won’t grow. Finally, you need it to prevent goiter, an enlargement of the thyr oid (around the Great Lakes and west = the goiter belts). 10. The major function of zinc: for many enzymes systems to work, for sexual maturation and growth, for wound healing, for protein metabolism and immune system. 1. Fluoride deficiency will result in dental caries (holes in teeth). 12. There is 500 mg of calcium carbonate in Tums, but since calcium carbonate is only composed of 40% calcium, there is 200 mg of pure calcium in Tums. 13. Iron is VERY POORLY absorbed; only 5-10% of iron is absorbed by normal adults. 14. The best source of potassium is potatoes. 15. If you don’t have enough potassium, it may result in cardiac arrest or an irregular heartbeat (death) [also caused by too much]. 16.The major function of magnesium that it is needed as part of bones and part of muscle; also, it is an activator of more than 300 enzymes, and it’s necessary to maintain electrical potential of nerve and muscle and for transmission of never impulses. 17. The major function of c hromium is that it acts as a cofactor for insulin, which is needed for maintaining normal glucose metabolism (chromium in humans declines with age). 18. Phosphorus is present in all foods especially milk and milk products and liver and other animal-food protein sources. About half the phosphorus in the USA diet comes from milk, meat, poultry, and fish. 9. The main sodium food source is table salt. Only 10% of salt intake comes from natural content of foods, 15% is from salt added during cooking and at table, and 75% from salt added during processing and manufacturing. 20. To decrease high blood pressure, lose weight. Also, eating salt doesn’t help for high blood pressure. 21. Folate RDA is over twice non-pregnant RDA (for increased blood supply and for growth of baby) so folate supplements are often prescribed. Also, need zinc for growth, B-12 for red blood cells, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium for bones.In addition, iron supplements during pregnancy and after delivery ar e recommended (baby should have enough to last 3-6 months**); fluoride is needed for teeth to begin in the 5th month of pregnancy. Nutrients to double during pregnancyfolate and probably iron. 22. You can NOT make up nutrients from a skipped breakfast. 23. Teenagers need to snack to get nutrients. 24. Adolescents aren’t well fed because they are too busy, eat out with their friends, skip breakfast, poor choice of snacks, avoid milk because they falsely think it is fattening, fear of becoming fat, use of fad diets especially by girls, and girls don’t get enough milk,. 5. Vegetables should be added first to an infant’s diet (after about 4-6 months). 26. Nutrition advice for anorexia patients included increasing caloric intake slowly (start at 800-1200 kcal), balanced diet, vitamin/mineral supplements, small frequent meals, use liquid supplements if necessary, and reduce caffeine. Also, don’t overload food, and persuade them they are thin enough. 27. Do not drink alcohol during pregnancy because even one binge may increase the risk of fetal alcohol syndrome (brain damage and physical retardation in infants). 28. The biggest advantage of breast milk during pregnancy is its immune factors. 9. Parents shouldn’t tell children to clean their plates. 30. How do you encourage children to try new foods? 31. In order to encourage a child to eat, be positive, when they are finished take their plate (they will snack later), don’t tell them there are people starving, don’t give rewards for eating. 32. Older folks who have baby aspirin every day bleed more in the gut (gastrointestinal bleeding), so they need more iron. 33. As you age, BMR decreases, you need less food and more exercise, your appetite decreases, and usually you don’t get enough nutrients. 34.The primary function of water is as a solvent; it transports nutrients to cells and removes waste. Also, it lubricates joints, food in the mouth, and helps lubricate food as it moves down the digestive tracts. Water is needed in the chemical reactions of digestion and must be available for digestion to occur. Water helps regulate body temperature by secreting sweat and is a structural component of the body (it is necessary to retain the shape of cells and tissues). 35. Complex carbs are: bread, cereal, pasta, and vegetables. 36. Thirst is not an adequate guide for infants, those who are sick, and athletes. 7. 50-75% of body weight is water. 38. Hyperactivity in children is caused by caffeine, not sugar. 39. There is NO nutrient herbal preparation that will cure cancer. 40. The best advice to prevent cancer is to eat a variety of foods, get all nutrients, and help prevent too much harmful junk getting into you. 41. RDA for calcium for adults 51 and older is 1200 mg. 42. There are 300 mg of calcium in a glass of milk (it doesn’t matter whether it is skim, whole, 1%, or 2%). 43. Common food allergies are nuts, soy, milk, and eggs. 44. When u nder stress, the hormone cortisol produces fat. 45.A critical period during pregnancy defines a time early in pregnancy when an event happens and will never happen again. It is a certain time during development in which the event occurs that will have irreversible effects on later developmental stages (it is usually a period of cell division). 46. Colostrum contains immune factors and anti-infection that will help a baby. 47. The WIC program is a nutritional education component that takes care of people who can’t take care of themselves. 48. The major function of phosphorusit has more functions that any other mineral. 49. Advantages of infant formula = father can feed. 0. Your peak bone mass is from 25-30 years old. 51. 5 reasons girls get osteoporosis: girls live longer, guys drink more milk, girls get pregnant and breastfeed, girls are smaller (have smaller bones). 1. Iron is NOT a major mineral. 2. Females need more iron—it is almost impossible for females to eat a diet providing the RDA for iron and stay within 2000 kcal. 3. Iron deficiency anemia may be the most prevalent deficiency disease in humans. 4. PICA = eating non-food items (laundry starch, clay, ice cubes), may denote low iron intake 5. OJ would help you absorb more iron from your diet (double the absorption). . Iodide toxicity also results in goiter. 7. Copper deficiency hardly ever happens. 8. Fluoride is not essential, but is essential for teeth. 9. Chromium deficiency results in impaired glucose tolerance. 10. Sodium has a small role in high blood pressure. 11. Monosodiumglutamate (MSG) adds sodium big time. 12. The major function of iron is that it is a constituent of hemoglobin in red blood cells and myoglobin in muscle. Also, iron is essential in transportation of oxygen from lungs to tissues and it’s needed for oxidation-reduction reactions. 13. Minerals are essential, but do not provide energy (no calories).Many are needed to make body structures such as bones, need ed as activators for enzyme systems, and they are poorly absorbed and can definitely be harmful if taken in excess. 14. 99% of calcium is in the bone with 1% in body fluids. 15. Dairy council said calcium may have an effect on weight loss. 16. Phyates acid in seeds, nuts, and grain decrease calcium absorption. 17. Females do not have enough calcium! 18. You MUST get enough calcium from childhood to age 25. 19. Calcium is enriched in some sources such as OJ and bread. 20. Most people don’t know what’s in the supplements they take. 1. 10 million Americans over 50 have osteoporosis, 1. 5 million have a bone fracture, 1 in 5 who have a hip fracture die. Women lose 6 inches from osteoporosis. 22. Phosphorus in excess in the diet probably does not negatively affect calcium absorption. The problem is that high carbonated beverages/soda take the place of milk intake. 23. The FDA cited over 18 manufacturers of Coral Calcium for making false claims that the supplement is a cure- allthe U. S. Marshalls seized $26 million worth. 24. Phosphorus is an essential component of bone mineral, where it occurs in the Ca:P of 2:1.About 85% of the phosphorus in the adult body is found in bone. Phosphorus is absorbed very well by the small intestine as free phosphate. 25. Availability of phosphorus in grains, especially bran, is doubtful because of phytates in grain which will bind with phosphorus. 26. 4 functions of calcium: bone formation, response to nerves, blood clotting, normal rhythm of heartbeat. 27. Functions of phosphorus (more functions than any other mineral): absorption of glucose, transport of fatty acids, buffering system. 28. Phosphorus is very well absorbed70% 29.Functions of magnesium: bones, muscle, enzyme activator, electrical impulse. 30. Americans age 15-24 have a HIGHER death rate than 20 years ago, not nutrition related but due to violent death and injury, alcohol and drug abuse, unwanted pregnancies, STDs. 31. By 18 months, the brain growth is 90 % complete and by 10 years, 95% complete, so there is no real adolescent spurt in head circumference. 32. The two major complications related to teenage pregnancy are low birth weight infants (LBW) and pre-eclampsia, which is toxemia of pregnancy characterized by hbp, albuminuria, edema of feet and legs. 33.Over 90% of adolescents snack. 34. There’s NO scientific evidence that foods such as chocolate, soft drinks, or peanut butter cause acne. 35. Peer pressure influences eating behavior. 36. Eating disorders increase among college-aged females and ballet dancers because they want to be in control. 37. Eating disorders should not be treated by amateurs—you need a team of health professionals: psychiatrist, dietitian, physician. 38. No particular nutrient of type of food can retard the aging process. 39. Buillion is clear soup—no nutritional value. 40. Stories of unusual longevity in other countries were found to be untrue. 1. Lactose intolerance = eat cheese, yog urt, or lactaid milk. 42. The elderly need to either increase calories or decrease calories, depending upon whether they are skinny or fat. 43. As you age, basal metabolic rate decreases each decade after maturity (you need less calories to stay alive, need to move more). 44. No RDA for 100 year olds, only for 70 and under. 45. Dehydration is the worst thing for you because you can die from it, especially athletes. 46. Infant birthweight is the single most important indicator of the infant’s future health status.A low birthweight (LBW) baby is defined as weighing less than 5. 5 lbs. 47. Risk factors for pregnancy include heavy smoking, alcohol abuse, age 15 or under, among others. 48. You need . 4 mg of folic acid/day (pregnancy). 49. Effects of nutrient deficiencies during pregnancy include: calories (low infant birthweight), vitamin D (LBW), folate (miscarriage and neural tube defect—brain and spinal cord defects) 50. During pregnancy, women should be under the care of a health professional. 51. One of the smallest increases recommended is for energy.Pregnancy requires only 300 extra kcal per day during the 2md and 3rd trimesters. 52. During pregnancy, women should select foods of high nutrient density. 53. Weight gain should be in second half of pregnancy. 54. 25-30 lbs. = total weight gain for pregnant women. 55. Practices to avoid during pregnancy: limit caffeine, stop smoking, do not take any prescribed medications, do not use street drugs, do not diet, do not drink alcohol. 56. Advantages of breast feeding: nutritionally superior to any alternative, contains a variety of anti-infectious factors and immune cells, mother’s uterus shrinks faster. 57.Colostrum: a yellow milk-like secretion from the breast, rich in protective factors that comes into the breast before milk is ready for secretion. It starts in first day or so—may be present for up to 2 weeks. 58. The infant doubles his/her birth weight in the first 3 to 4 months; tr iples before year one. 59. For the first four months, 1/3 of the calories are needed for growth. During 4-12 months, the baby needs 10% or less for growth and the rest for activity. 60. Start new foods one at a time so that allergies can be detected. Rice cereal is usually started first mixed with formula to make it very dilute. 1. Never feed honey to an infant since honey may contain botulina spores. 62. Don’t feed baby skim milkbabies need calories and the fat for growth. 63. Age infants should start having table food = 1 year. 64. Reducing the risk of cancer = eat cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, kale, turnips, brussel sprouts). 65. Red wine MIGHT help cancer (not sure). 66. Exercise when you are feeling stressedprevent cortisol from building up body fat. 67. Men eat less during stress and women eat more. 68. Mild depression or chronic stress harms immunity. 69.There is a link between stress and the urge to eat. 70. Over 75-90% of all doctor’s office visit s are for stress-related ailments and complaints. 71. Water is the most important nutrient. 72. You can live 30 days without food, but only 3 days without water (except in the desertless). 73. The average adult’s body weight is from 50-60% water, most controlled by hormones. 74. There’s no RDA for water. Sources of water include most beverages except those containing alcohol and caffeine; fruits and vegetables are 75% to 96% or more water, bread is 36% water, beef is 72% water. 5. Much water is lost through the skin, which cools the skin by evaporation. 76. Weight loss of over 20% by water leads to death. 77. Water intoxication is rarely seen in healthy people. 78. High altitude = low oxygenneed more water. 79. There is low chlorine in bottled water. 80. Football players in summer practice may lose 6-8% of body weight by water. 81. Drinks with more than 10% sugar won’t get into the body as fast (Gatorade has about 10% sugar). 82. You lose water through breathing out, sweating, and through excretions.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Indian Telecom Sector Employability Skills

( Employability Skills for Indian Mobile Phones Telecom Sector First Author: Rishi Kapal, BE, LLB, PGPM (Vice President-Sony Mobile Communications, India) Abstract It may not known to many that after Alexander Graham bell invented the first telephone, Motorola’s Martin Cooper is understood to have created the first mobile phone, followed by IBM-Bellsouth making the first Smartphone. However, in the present day, not much is heard about the companies that pioneered the mobile and Smartphones revolution.Indian telecom sector story is only getting better by the day, however, the growth sustenance and leveraging technology for better use in only possible if our population could be transformed to a real productive employment asset. In this paper, the important aspect of employability in Indian telecom Sector will be highlighted INTRODUCTION Indian telecom industry underwent a high pace of market liberalization and growth since 1990s and now has become the world's most competitive an d one of the fastest growing telecom markets.The Industry has grown over twenty times in just ten years, from under 37 million subscribers in the year 2001 to over 846 million subscribers in the year 2011. India has the  world's second-largest  mobile phone user base with over 929. 37 million users as of May 2012. It has the  world's third-largest  Internet user-base with over 137 million as of June 2012. [pic] THE RISE OF INDIA MOBILE PHONES INDUSTRY The explosion of mobile phones sector is attributed to the following three factors: 1. Opening up of new technology 2. Convergence of computing and telephony 3. Mobile Phones EnablementOPENING UP OF NEW WIRELESS TECHNNOLOGY Till 2010, India was a pure-play GSM and CDMA technology driven country whereas rest of the world had moved to 3G(HSPA+) and few advanced nations(like Japan) already launching LTE(Long Term Evolution) high speed wireless technologies. Post the 3G and BWA auctions in India, the wireless technology landscape s tarted changing and alongside it brought the need for differently (enhanced) skilled professionals to handle new technology and associated devices. A brief snapshot of the wireless technologies deployed in India is below: [pic]India today is on the forefront of telecom services and related content. This changes the way the telecom products are conceptualized, priced, launched and their life cycle is managed. Not much of this is known to the budding leaders during their academic orientations. CONVERGENCE OF COMPUTING AND TELEPHONY In today’s world, computers are used to make voice calls (Gtalk, Skype) and phones are used for data access. So each device has evolved from its original function and become multi tasked. This convergence of devices ecosystem is happening due to the following:For most time in computing technology, microprocessors were traditionally associated with computers and other IT related products. However, since the last two years, phones are also sold based o n the GHZ speed of processor that makes them run, various related aspects like single core, dual core and quad core processors. Now, this has brought about a major shift in consumer behavior whereby a buyer actually decides about a phone not just by looks and geeks but begins with the processor strengths and data speeds supported.This all comes with perceived compromise on battery life however the mobile phones processor manufacturers are fast gaining ground in terms of optimizing battery life for higher processor power. MOBILE PHONES ENABLEMENT A natural question about why is the mobile phone industry growing at a strong pace is obvious. Firstly, India is now moving to be a strong mobile replacement market. The mobile sales ratio is skewed to replacement buyers as compared to first term buyers as per industry sources. Hence there is a two-fold demand now.Alongside, mobile phones have become the first internet access device for the youth and hence the mobile internet penetration mom entum is making up the volume. Lastly, a mobile phone is no longer a luxury and is affordable by anyone, at a cost as low as $15. All these factors are leading to a strong growth in mobile phone sales. MOBILE PHONES DISTRUBUTION SYSTEM Let us now examine the mobile phones sales and distribution systems to better understand the required skills that need to be acquired by professionals aspiring to work in this sector. [pic]The firs layer does product sell-in to the second layer which in-turn works for shop level product placement and sales. The final sales to end customer is referred to as Sell thru. The mobile distribution model is extremely dynamic and need of the hour may change regularly due to competitive launches and initiatives. Each product has its own merits, positioning and technological implications. Traditional models of distribution don’t always work in realms of the mobile words due to the amount of need-of-the-hour and flexibility mechanisms required to be adopte d. EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS FOR THE MOBILE SECTORROI : Relationship, Ownership, Initiative †¢ Relationship: mobile phone industry is too diverse and needs one on one relationship mapping with the ecosystem stakeholders in product development and distribution. The †¢ Ownership: professionals without adequacy of understanding of ownership will not cut it into the telecom †¢ Initiative: India is a distribution led mobile market, unlike the mature markets like US where wireless operators dominate mobile phones sales channel. Every skilled professional aspiring for working in the Indian telecom sector needs to have self initiative to innovate reach and execution.Alongside the above, the professionals must understand that the mobile phones propositions are undergoing a change: VRS (Value, Range, Service) †¢ Value : value proposition to the customers is fast changing with the advent of Smartphones †¢ Range: Customer associated with brands that have a range(portfolio) a nd not one off products(iPhone is an exception) †¢ Service: Post sales support for sophisticated devices has become a strong reason to buy. As per the nationwide study conducted by MeriTrac, of marks secured by 2264 MBAs who sat for tests by recruiting companies, only 21% were found to be actually employable.The latest figures show a sharp decline – the last such survey done in 2007 placed employability at 25%. Drawn from over 100 B-Schools beyond the Top 25 in the country, the students who were covered by the survey were tested for verbal ability, quantitative ability and reasoning. This despite the fact that more and more B-schools are mushrooming across the country churning out hundreds upon thousands of freshly-minted MBAs every year. There are other cornerstones of employability skills required in the mobile sector that are influenced by †¢ Consumer purchase behavior †¢ Mobiles Operating System CONSUMER PURCHASE BEHAVIOR [pic]The above purchase behaviors d ictate a different skill set required in professionals dealing with individual or a mix of groups above. A person aspiring to work in the mobile sector must know the purchase behavior intricacies that are closely linked to the technology supported by the phones. MOBILE OPERATING SYSTEMS There are few dominant mobile operating systems viz Android, iOS, Symbian and RIM OS that are most dominant in India. Windows is a fast emerging ecosystem supported by Microsoft and Nokia. A professional must know the advantages of each OS so that the right strategy of product and marketing management can evolve.The strength and diversity of operating system is also ensuring that a mobile phone becomes much more than a mere communication device. It now is a gadget that effects and influences one’s lifestyle, something no one can deny or ignore. [pic][pic] A mobile phone does off jobs of a compass, mirror and a rattler as well. These contemporary, un-orthodox applications are becoming a reason to inquire and buying a phone by many. SUMMARY Indian telecom sector will provide employment to around one crore people by 2012, a study by PwC has said.The telecom industry will provide about 28 lakh direct jobs and around 70 indirect jobs by 2012, the study commissioned by the Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI) and done by PwC said. While the above aspiration is good to have however the industry is able to attract talent but struggling to get the right one. The employability skills required for mobile sector include a thorough understanding of mobile phones technology, various operating systems, consumer purchase behavior, OEM to Market distribution model and multi screen convergence.There are too many mobbing parts in the Indian mobile phone industry and the same are not evidently addressed as a subject matter in various institutions. It is important for colleges to step up and recognize that lack of employability skills for the telecom and especially mobile phone sec tor leaves the new industry entrants in a very awkward and â€Å" I don’t know much† state of mind. This can definitely be changed with institutions opening up their gates to industry professionals and to consulting companies specializing in transition of classrooms to telecom corporates.Steadily, now certain learning and development organizations are evolving that dedicatedly focus on transition programs for students, aimed at the telecom and mobile phones sector. Organizations like MindActiv Consulting (www. mindactiv. co. in) are pioneering in this critical requirement and having the right industry resources at their disposal. Strong and structured programs by MindActiv and such organizations are going to be much more required in the immediate future when the push back for better employable andidates will come from the telecom industry itself. References: 1. The Indian Telecom Services Performance Indicators June 2012, TRAI 2. Economic Times Article August 2011: Tel ecom sector to provide 1 crore jobs by 2012: Study 3. Times of India, August 7, 2012: Only 21% MBAs in India employable: Survey 4. Industry sources About the author: Rishi Kapal completed his schooling from Delhi Public School, RK Puram in 1989. This was followed by a degree in Electronics Engineering in 1993 from Shivaji university.He started his career with HCL in 1993 and during his ongoing career span of 19+ years, has worked with coveted organizations like Tata Telecom, Ericsson, Castrol, Sony Ericsson and Qualcomm to name a few. Presently, Rishi is a Vice President with Sony Mobile Communications. During his professional tenure, Rishi completed his PGPM from International Management Institute and LLB from CCS University. Rishi is passionate about instilling employability skills in the budding new leadership generation and is closely associated with the academia sector for guest lectures and grooming students for their first corporate interface.He has a strong knowledge of mana gement practices required in students pursuing graduate and post graduate courses and has prepared specific training and orientation modules for employability skills enhancement in students. ———————– The total revenue of the Indian telecom sector grew by 7% to  [pic]283,207  crore  (US$53. 53 billion)  for 2010–11 financial year, while revenues from telecom equipment segment stood at  [pic]117,039  crore  (US$22. 12 billion).The depicted increase in telecom penetration has been facilitated with a strong and every growing mobile phone industry, reaching an unprecedented proportion of more than 12Million handsets sold in India every month. IOIP: Most popular, individual pays for the phone and owns it IOCP: Individual owns the phone, paid by the company COCP: Company purchases and provide the phone to employees LTE TDD and HSPA+ is already launched in India. The country is now neck to neck with the world on av ailability of latest wireless technologies.Alongside, consumers are much more aware of the broadband phenomenon and the benefits this advent can deliver. The access device for the new technologies has to be a mobile phone since other consumer equipments are bulky and more appropriate for inhouse only. With this evolution, the need for skilled workforce in technology, strategy, sales, marketing and operations and much more diverse and unique as compared to that exists today. The Indian handset market is growing consistently with a rate of over 12% annually, of which the Smartphones base is expected to grow at a rate of over 60% year of year.The advent of operating systems like Android along-with new broadband wireless internet access technologies is opening up the mobile phones space in India. The OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) works on three retail engagement models: †¢ Master national distributor: imports the products and then associated with regional partners for place ment and sales †¢ Direct Billing: to exclusive stores and conglomerates of high importance †¢ Entrepreneurial Regional partners: Distributors with strong regional command and those who want to deal directly with the company.With the changing shape of Indian telecom sector and need for the skilled population to keep up with the industry resources requirement, there are six dimensions of employability skills that the professionals must have in order to leap into the telecom sector. Each of these dimensions is unique in terms of the capability build up required in professionals, especially graduates and post graduates. Mobile phone industry is part of a unique eco system and must be studied and imbibed from close quarters.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Aggressive driving Essay

(1)Aggressive driving is a phenomenon, which has only recently got the public worried. (2)The National Highway Traffic Safety Council (NHTSC) defines aggressive driving as â€Å"the operation of a motor vehicle in a manner that endangers or is likely to endanger persons or property†. (3)Actions such as running red lights, improper passing, overtaking on the left, improper lane change, failing to yield, improper turns, running stop signs, tailgaiting, careless driving and speeding are examples of aggressive driving.. (4)Such actions are dangerous to other road users. (5)Aggressive driving should be avoided because it causes crashes, injuries and fatalities. (6)The first reason why aggressive driving should be avoided is it causes crashes. (7)According to NHTSC between 78 percent (excessive speed) and 100 percent (improper passing) of the cases of aggressive driving resulted in traffic crashes and 96 percent of the drivers cited for â€Å"following too closely† or tailgaitng caused crashes as a result of their aggressive driving. (8)Moreover, â€Å"running red light†, â€Å"improper passing†, and â€Å"overtaking on the left† topped other categories of aggressive driving in contributing to traffic crashes. (9)Another reason why aggressive driving should be avoided is it causes injuries.(10) NHTSC states that the percentages of the injuries caused by aggressive driving are, in almost all categories of aggressive driving, above 100 percent. (11)Furthermore, the Department of Highway Safety (DHS) reports that this is due to the fact that each motor vehicle crash accounts for one or more injuries. (12) It was found that of the ten categories of aggressive driving, â€Å"running red light†, â€Å"failing to yield†, and â€Å"running stop signs† are the most serious factors contributing to injuries. (13)Yet another reason why aggressive driving should be avoided is it causes fatalities. (14)†Overtaking on the left† appears to be the most important contributing factor in traffic fatalities as it relates to aggressive driving. (15) â€Å"Improper lane change†, â€Å"running stop sign† and â€Å"running red light† rank second through four in terms of their contribution to traffic fatalities (DHS, 2008). (16)The above evidence shows that aggressive driving causes crashes, injuries and fatalities. (17) Hence, aggressive driving should be avoided. (18)Since the opening of the North-South Highway, the number of kilometers of roads in the country has increased by one percent while the number of vehicle miles driven has increased by 35 percent. (19) More cars and more drivers are also on the road, leading to more aggressive drivers.

Public Administration Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Public Administration - Research Paper Example On the other hand, employees expect the department to treat and motivate them with dignity and respect. Satisfying the needs and expectation of all stakeholders in policing organizations is quite challenging in the contemporary society. This paper examines some of the challenges involved in the management of police department. Roy, Jack and Novak (2002, p8) define management as â€Å"a process of working with employees in a humane manner for efficient and effective attainment of the organization’s goals and objectives†. In policing and other modern organizations, managing outcome and output are critical components of the management process (Stillman, 2012). In police organizations output are the activities, which a police department undertakes. Some of the activities include arresting offenders, assisting people with various problems, maintaining confidentiality and the manner in which the police officers conduct themselves. The outcomes are the results that occur from the police action and behavior. They include changes in the rate of crime, the attitude of the community towards the police and the level of contentment with the police service among other outcomes. Change in attitude and behavior of the public towards the law enforcement agencies is one of the major outcomes of the police (Ro y, Jack and Novak, 2002). In contemporary policing organization, managers of police departments are confronted with various challenges that involve integrating and balancing expectations between three important stakeholders, namely employees, the police organization and the community. The community keeps a watchful eye on the reaction and behavior of the police toward persons, the use (or misuse) of allocated resources within the police organization and how police department undertake various sensitive operations such as promotion, recruitment, prevention of crime among others. In addition, the community is

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Social Media Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Social Media - Research Paper Example This paper seeks to give an in-depth evaluation of social media marketing. Different social media networks have subscriptions in terms of millions, which are cheaper than other media platform. This is very beneficial to the marketing company as the resources saved can be used in investing in other fields, which would ensure the continuous expansion of the company. Therefore, social media platforms are able to make it easier for companies to make a variety of cost effective strategies and campaigns In marketing, the number of audience who access the information being presented by the advertising company matters a lot in the success of the entire marketing process. Since the cost of accessing other media such as newspapers is high, social media fit very well to numerous individuals. The services are easily accessible to many, especially the youths and middle-aged persons, who form a significant percentage of the targeted group for many products. Through blogs and articles, social media platforms have been proved to be very effective in driving traffic to the website, which in most cases results in stronger brand names and increased sales, which are essential for a brand to have a competitive edge in the market (Meyerson and Entrepreneur press 3-63). When marketing global products, other means of marketing such as billboards, newspapers and radio are not effective due to geographical boundaries limitations. On the other hand, social media has no geographical limitation, and thus can be used by various persons in numerous regions across the globe. As such, in marketing global products, social media is very effective as it allows people from different geographic location to meet at the same time and at the same time and air their view freely. This enables the company to have an understanding of the global perception of their product, and

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Archaeology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Archaeology - Essay Example It investigates into the speleothems as cave morphologies in the archeological study as terrestrial archives of past environmental and climatic change. U dating method is used to establish the growth phases of the speleothems, and higher precipitation conditions in areas of Porte Rico during the investigated period. Areas of Maruca, Angostura and (PDI) Paso Del Indio with established archeological deposits and permanent settlement during the period are examined. The adaptation strategies for Angostura were micro-surface modification of the landscape and technological improvement to better the living conditions while Maruca and PDI resort to relocation and then reoccupation after the precipitation period (Rivera-Collazo 637). The events of drought and aridity experienced in the prehistoric and ancient times also attracted widespread responses for the people’s sustainability. It addresses the climatic change during the Holocene period notoriously marked with variable conditions of drought, aridity and reduced rainfall amongst, which influenced various human’s adaptations. Evidence from archeological sites and reconstruction of monsoon winds facilitate understanding of the effective adaptations and estimation of aridity. The article identifies the major rainwater harvesting strategies besides migration of the populations and distortion of their cultures as human coping mechanisms adopted in prehistoric times (Pandey, Gupta and Anderson 46). The study majorly focuses on Indian communities and demonstrates how the ancient water harvesting response remains in practice to the modern day. The speleothems that have developed in the calvens of Palco in Puerto Rico provide evidential materials that accumulated over time. Through a series of uranium dating methods, the speleothems growth rate can be determined. Stalagmite formation inside the calven enables the investigation of active dripping, erosion and hiatuses in speleothems in

Monday, August 26, 2019

Libertarianism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Libertarianism - Essay Example If the state interferes the people would have to face problems at the hands of the state. Injustice and inequality would prevail in the society if the state intervenes. Individualism and self owner ship are some other concepts of libertarianism. Both these concepts relate to the ownership of private resources and independence of the people. They put forward that the state should not intervene in the matters of private ownership as it would disrupt the peace and integrity of the society. Minarchism is another form which puts forward that the states should only come into play when there are protection issues. Equality is also one form which is promoted by this concept so that the people do not share natural resources unequally. This equality can only be promoted if a stateless society exists where the state does not intervene much into the matters of public. There can be many advantages for libertarianism if seen from a rational perspective. As the state will not intervene in the matters of the private properties people can live easily and without problems. Cooperation is at the core of the philosophy and it can help people in all ways to get over the problems that they may face. As individual liberty is promoted in this political philosophy it is possible that the people would live in peace and harmony without any interference from the state. Injustice would not be done at the hands of the state this philosophy prevails. Moreover equality can also be promoted through this political philosophy. On the other hands the political philosophy has other problems which many people cite when referring to it. Individual liberty can be beneficial to the state till one point but after that it can harm the integrity and peace of the whole society. Individual ownership and less interference from the states can create a gap between different groups. The states necessarily have to show

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Different types of financial statements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Different types of financial statements - Essay Example A balance sheet helps a company in analyzing its current financial position vis-Ã  -vis any other time period. A balance sheet most important for the management of a firm. The second important financial statement used is the income statement also known as profit and loss statement. The income statement is generally prepared at the end of a time period such as a quarter or a year. It gives information of the total income earned during the period and its sources. It also lists the various expenses. The difference of the two is used to calculate gross margin and net profit. Based on income statement companies take decisions on dividend declaration and future investment plans. The income statement is most significant for the investors of a firm. Cash flow statement is the third important financial statement. It helps a company to analyze the cash flows financial, operating and investment activities. This financial statement is important to understand the availability of working capital for a firm. Cash flow statement is very significant for the creditors of a firm. The fourth financial statement used is the statement of retained earnings. This statement depicts the changes in the title rights of equities if there are any. This is the least used of the four financial statements. It is also called as statement of shareholders’ equity as it calculates the money that will be left with a company after selling its assets and fulfilling its

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Analysis of a history book Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Analysis of a history book - Essay Example God, according to Joshua, sent down these afflictions â€Å"to rebuke us and our posterity, and to teach us by the memory and reading of them that they were sent upon us for our sins.† (Joshua Para IV). Also, towards the end of his Chronicle he reminds the reader that he wants his writing about the events of pestilence of war to serve â€Å"as a reminder to those who endured them, and for the instruction of those who shall come after us, that, if they please, they may be enabled to become wise through these few things which I have written† (Joshua Para LXXXVI). Being a Christian, he believes that all the troubles that befell the Christian Roman Empire were caused by the sins of the people, and should serve as an illustration to St. Paul’s words that â€Å"When we are chastened, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world." (Joshua IV). His tone is similar with regards to the war that took place between the Persians and the Romans; he refers to the Persians as the â€Å"rod of God† (Para V) as they were merciless when they took over the Roman territory and ill treated the people who they captured. What is interesting is that the author does not feel that it is through any fault of the emperor Anastasius that this war was caused, who he praises as the â€Å"all-ruling and believing emperor† (Joshua Para VI). Joshua states that the war came about due to certain events in the past, which he describes in his Chronicle (Joshua Para VII-XVIII). Even when writing about the immediate precursors to war (Joshua Para XIX-XXIV), the blame, he feels squarely rests with the Persians and not the Romans. Though, of course, the fact that the people were engaged in, what he terms, sins has something to do with a reason for the outbreak of war. With regards to the war and its events, of course, he was not a party to all that

Friday, August 23, 2019

Improving Organizational Performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Improving Organizational Performance - Essay Example In order to effectively implement process improvement process in the department, it is essential to first realize the exact meaning of the term. Process improvement process or PIP has been defined as – â€Å"a method to introduce process changes to improve quality, reduce costs, or accelerate schedules† (Mohapatra, 2012, p.43). Hence it represents a number of steps that need to be considered for the organization, which will â€Å"identify, analyze and improve† the existing processes and problems within the company.It is essential that a specific method is followed for this purpose by the entire management. Also, it would be suggested to take advantage of the most advanced and current technologies and processes for improving the quality and safety in the production department of the organization.   Safety training is considered as one of the most effective means to achieve safe production in an organization. It has been obtained that safety training allows an organization to achieve improvement in safety management level, and helps the management to achieve improvement in safety quality, safety skills, and safety consciousness. For this purpose, advanced training methods can be used combining them with the needs of the organization, with continuous improvement being the central issue focused on the innovation and development of the processes.  However, there are some problems that are associated with safety training.  

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Mothers Against Drunk Driving Essay Example for Free

Mothers Against Drunk Driving Essay Drunk driving is a problem especially for teens, because of peer pressure and some people feel that it is a funny scenario when they let a drunk driver take control of a vehicle, but they dont realize the danger they are getting into. Many teenagers drink because they think it makes them cooler and not all are aware of the affects of drunk driving. Some teenagers also think they have the ability of being invincible when it comes to getting behind the wheel and they dont realize they are drunk because of teen invincibility, they do not realize they are not only putting themselves in danger, but others as well. It is very dangerous when someone gets behind the wheel of a vehicle under the influence. The pressures of being a teenager and trying to be popular or cool plays a large role on why drunk driving is a problem especially for teens. Part One: Identifying the Issue Statistics from research regarding teen crash rates: One out of 10 children ages 12 and 13 uses alcohol at least once a month. In a single year, 522 children under age 14 were arrested for driving while intoxicated, (113 of them were under 10 years old). 70 percent of all teenagers drink alcohol. 60 percent of all teen deaths in car accidents are alcohol-related. Every 22 minutes someone dies in an alcohol-related motor vehicle accident. †¢ Car crashes are the number one cause of teen deaths in the U. S. †¢ Drivers between the ages of 16 and 19 are four times more likely to die in a crash than drivers between the ages of 25 and 69. Teens have the highest chance of having a fatal crash within the first six months of getting their driver’s license. †¢ 2,739 teenagers died in car accidents in the United States during 2008. †¢ Teen drivers were involved in 12% of all fatal crashes reported to the police. †¢ Males are twice as likely as females to be killed in a crash while they’re teenagers. †¢ 37% of male drivers between the ages of 15 and 20 were speeding at the time of a fatal crash. †¢ 55% of teens killed in car crashes were not using their seat belts. †¢ 31% of teens drivers were drinking alcohol at the time of their death. †¢ Teen drivers were involved in 63% of teen passenger deaths and 19% of passenger deaths of all ages in fatal accidents. †¢ 53% of teen deaths in fatal accidents occurred on the weekends and 41% occurred between 9 pm and 6 am. 5,864 fatal accidents involved teen drivers in 2008. This number is higher than the previous one because the teen driver often has to live with the guilt of causing someone else’s death. How is one organization or group trying to solve this problem? One organization trying to solve this problem is S. A. D. D. S. A. D. D. is an organization trying to solve the drunk driving problem by having presentations to inform students why they should not drink and how to resist peer pressure. They try to inform teens to try to stay away from alcohol and try to keep other teens aware as well. Another organization working to solve this issue is MADD (Mothers against drunk driving). Support high-visibility law enforcement to catch drunk drivers and discourage others from driving drunk, they also wanted to require all drunk drivers to take a breathalyzer before they even start their engine of their car, they also support the development of technology to determine automatically whether or not the driver is above the legal limit of .08 and failing to operate if the driver is drunk. They are trying to eliminate drunk driving as a whole. Web Sites I found this information: http://drivesteady. com/teen-driving-statistics http://www. alcoholalert. com/students-against-drunk-driving. html http://www. firsteagle. com/tdd. htm http://www. madd. org/drunk-driving/campaign/ Part 2: Solutions for the Issue Something else that should be done to help solve or curb the problem. There are many things that could be done to help solve or curb drunk driving, but a lot is already being done. I think another thing that could help curb or solve the problem would be to put up more billboards and have police officials come and talk to teenagers and children in the schools, I think they could also make television shows or commercials to help inform people to help curb this issue. I think this would be a easy way to reach out to teenagers especially about this issue and possibly help solve it and also to make sure that everyone is aware of this problem. What can I personally do to make others aware of this issue? What can I do to make others aware of the issue? There are several things I am capable of doing to make others aware of this issue. To start of I would like to put signs around my school stating statistics about the affects drunk driving has on teens. I would also make an announcement on our school news to help get people aware of what the issue at hand. I would spread the word by telling friends and doing anything I can to help stop drunk driving, especially for underage drinking.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Issues of Terrorism Essay Example for Free

Issues of Terrorism Essay The September 11 terrorist attack made a big impact around the world. It opened not only the eyes of the United States but also awakened fear from every peace loving country worldwide. The people behind this were the most feared terrorist group, the Al Qaeda. Masterminded by Osama Bin Laden, this network of extremists aims to remove the Americans and their influences among the Muslims and their nations, including pro-Western leaders and supporters. Bin Laden also dreams of unifying all Muslims, by any means necessary, under one Islamic nation (Laura Hayes, 2006). Another infamous terrorist organization is Al Jihad, also known as the Egyptian Islamic Jihad or EIJ. It is an Egyptian Islamic extremist group that collaborated with Bin Laden’s al-Qaeda in the mid 2001. It aimed to overthrow the Egyptian Government and have Islamic governance over the region. It also planned attacks on US and Israeli installments in Egypt and abroad (al-Jihad, 2001). Al Qaeda and al-Jihad share a common goal, along with other terrorist groups from other countries like. The Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, Abu Sayyaf Group and Jemaah Islamiya of South East Asia (al-Qaeda (a.k. a. al-Qaida, al-Qaida), 2004). That goal is to â€Å"free† the Muslim countries from Western Influence and establish an Islamic government of their own. Islamic countries which are influenced by the West are not safe. These terrorists would continue on coming up with plans to infiltrate and destroy the United States, along with Europe and other western countries (Utley, 2004). The possibility of getting attacked again by these terrorists is not far. As the victims tighten their defenses, these terrorists would also adopt new strategies on how they could carry on with their plans. . al-Jihad. (2001). from http://www. fas. org/irp/world/para/jihad. htm al-Qaeda (a. k. a. al-Qaida, al-Qaida). (2004, July 7, 2005). from http://www. cfr. org/publication/9126/ Laura Hayes, B. B. (2006). Al-Qaeda: Osama bin Ladens Network of Terror. from http://www. infoplease. com/spot/al-qaeda-terrorism. html Utley, J. B. (2004). Thoughts on Terrorist Targets Retrieved January 6, 2004, from http://antiwar. com/utley/? articleid=1900

The History Of The Blues Harmonica Music Essay

The History Of The Blues Harmonica Music Essay The harmonica is a free reed instrument; this means that sound is generated as air flows past a thin strip of material and makes it vibrate producing sound. Air pressure is usually generated by breathing or blowing into a hole, cane or pipe. The air flows over one side of the reed, creating an area of low pressure and causing the reed to flex towards the opposite side. The frame enclosing the reed is built so that when it flexes it blocks the air flow, reducing the low pressure area and allowing the reed to bend back. The harmonica is known to have different names like the Gob Iron, the Tin Sandwich, the Mouth Organ but most commonly the harp, probably because of its mechanism being so similar to the Jews harp, which consists of a single reed mounted on a frame that is plucked to create a note that resonates in the players mouth. The first free reed instruments were invented in the Ancient Far East and were not known in the West until quite recently. Among these ancient instruments there is the khaen of Laos; which consists of various pipes bound together in a set of rows, very much like a pan pipe, or the shÄâ€Å"ng of China and the shÃ…Â  of Japan, which are more of a group of tubes, traditionally inserted into a hollow dried fruit like a gourd, which nowadays is made of steel. (see Illustration x) These traditional instruments have survived to modern times and are currently used in social music and courtship rituals, and the sheng is still one of the instruments used in Chinese opera. The metal free reeds system used in the khaen and sheng is thought to be the ancestor of the reeds used in harmonicas in the present. The shÄâ€Å"ng was brought to Russia at the end of the 18th century. It seems it inspired a lot of devices in the early 19th century, which was the foundation for the development of the more modern free reeds. A Czech organ builder named Franz Kirschnek fashioned a new kind of free reed to be used in organ pipes. He might have just adapted an earlier model of free reed or he actually come up with the idea completely independently. Harmonicas, as we know them today When we talk about the harmonica as we know it today, it is hard to determine exactly who the inventor was. There were no factories at the time, and it was a case of individual artisans who were trying out new ideas. At the time, many people tried to construct instruments with free reeds in Vienna, Paris, London, and America, so its not clear who might have been the first but credit does go to a young German by the name of Friedrich Buschmann, who later on was also known to invent the concertina. He was a clockmaker, and around 1816 he devised an object used as a piano tuner and called it mundaeoline, which is German means mouth harp. What can be determined is that one of the oldest artisans to make harmonicas was Christian Messner. Around the late 1820s he got one of these little harmonicas from Vienna, thought it was an interesting instrument, repaired it and awoke an interest in his colleagues, who asked him to make them one too. He saw it could become a lucrative business and became the first harmonica maker in South-West Germany. At this point it was only possible to blow into harmonicas; it was later, around 1847 when Johannes Richter added a secondary draw reed plate under the blow plate. From 1840, Messners nephew Christian Weiss decided to set up his own small company and began to work on his own designs. In 1857, another young clockmaker named Matthias Hohner bought and managed to copy one of Buschmanns creations. With this and a bit of espionage from the Weiss Harmonica Company he managed to introduce his own design. He gave the instrument a nicer look, ornamenting its cover plates and displaying his brand name. He was a talented salesman and businessman. He improved production and bought out his competitors. By the 1870s, mass production began at the Hohner Company and they started an aggressive overseas marketing campaign; the harmonica now looked very much like the ones we know today. The American civil war made the harmonica very popular in the USA. Hohner had already sent harmonicas over and the soldiers found it easy to play and carry. Within a comparatively short space of time, the Hohner Company was shipping millions of Richter Marine Band harmonicas to America every year. Around the 1900s, half of the harmonicas made in Germany were sold to the United States. In the 1920s, Hohner was making over 50 million harmonicas every year, and distributing them all over the world. From then on they have been the leading harmonica company. Up until then, harmonicas could only be played in a major scale (or natural minor), so by blowing naturally, you could not get any half steps or sharps and flats. For example, a C Major scale would be: C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C and that would be the C Diatonic harmonica. It would be like only playing the white keys on a piano. Hohner then decided to develop a chromatic harmonica that could play all 12 notes of a scale, making it a very versatile instrument which is used for music which requires a great variety of notes. It is specially used in jazz, pop and of course classical music. Although it allows the possibility to play any scale, in any key, it cant bend notes very well so the player cant really achieve a bluesy kind of sound as well as on the diatonic (bluesy sound explained further). In the Seydel Factory in Saxony, they still use the original machines that were used 130 years ago to make their harmonicas and although the parts are mass produced they must still be assembled by hand, someone at some point in the line of production must check and fine tune the harmonica manually. Special small plates and files are used to make precise adjustments to the reeds and it is a task that cannot be undertaken mechanically; every reed must be tuned by hand. The harmonica is one of the most portable instruments; it fits in any pocket or bag and is easy to carry around. There are endless stories about how harmonicas saved lives; from stopping bullets by being in the soldiers uniform in the right place at the right time, to other stories of many musicians that made a living out of playing it. It is a close and intimate instrument, and very personal as players wouldnt let other people play their harmonica (especially for hygienic reasons). Companion of isolated men, from prisoners, soldiers and shepherds to astronauts, as it was the first musical instrument in outer space. On a Gemini space flight in December 1965, astronaut Wally Schirra reported an unidentified flying object in a polar orbit, We have an object, looks like a satellite going from north to south, probably in polar orbit. Looks like he might be going to re-enter soon. You just might let me pick up that thing. I see a command module and eight smaller modules in front. The pilot of the command module is wearing a red suit and then played Jingle Bells on a four hole, eight-note Little Lady Hohner harmonica that he had managed to smuggle on board. It is an extraordinary little device, invented as a toy, considered a beautiful instrument and that has now been with us for over 150 years and will still go on for many more. How do harmonicas work? Parts and Mechanisms The harmonica was initially designed to be able to play various notes at the same time in combinations that were harmonic and made intuitive sense because they could automatically support melodious notes. By blowing and sucking the player can easily get the notes sounding right, without the need to work on getting the notes to sound clearly like on the guitar, it is a bit more like playing keys on the piano. Anyone can buy a good functional harmonica without having to spend a lot of money, and that is something you cant say about guitars or keyboards. Although usually out of the box harmonicas need a lot of fine tuning and customizing for advanced and professional playing. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦they are raw materials waiting to be formed in to a real instrument. Then again that also happens with most professional instruments. The basic mechanism is as explained in the previous section about free reed instruments. For the purpose of this analysis from now on when the harmonica is mentioned, it will be referring to the ten hole diatonic, the most commonly used harmonica for folk, rock and of course blues music. The diatonic harmonica consists of two cover plates, two reed plates and a comb (see illustration x). Cover plates cover the reed-plates and are usually made of metal. There are two types of cover plates: traditional stamped metal open designs like the Hohner Marine Band, and enclosed designs such as the Suzuki Promaster. The first are usually lighter and smaller than the enclosed ones which often are heavier but give out a louder tonal quality. The comb is the main body of the instrument. Its the central part of the harmonica and its what everything is bolted or nailed to. Its called a comb because it looks very much like a hair comb. As air goes though the harmonica, it usually carries saliva, so this inner structure must be made out of a type of material that can resist exposure to moisture and that way avoid expanding or smelling. Traditionally they are made from pear wood, although they can also be found made out of plastic or metal. There are two brass reed plates on a diatonic harmonica, each with 10 to 12 reeds riveted on to it. The reeds are shorter for the higher pitch, so the lower the note is, the longer the reed. The top plate is for the blow notes and the bottom is for the draw notes, so the reeds are facing the opposite direction. After a while reeds do go out of tune, and some notes might lose their brightness, they start to sound flat and inconsistent. That indicates the harmonica needs re-tuning. Although every hole in the harmonica can easily produce one note as the player blows air in to it, and one as he draws air, there are many more hidden notes that can be found by bending (a term used by guitarists, who actually bend the strings up or down to create a subtle change in the pitch) or overblowing. (see illustration Bendable Notes Chart) If while doing a draw note, the airflow is increased, the draw reed over-flexes and the air pressure causes the blow reed from the same hole to vibrate too, making a new note pop out, so basically you are drawing air through the blow reed. The best way to understand how air pressure is changed is by whistling and trying to change the pitch of the initial note. The changes your mouth, tongue and throat make are similar to the ones a harmonica player makes when he bends a note. Bending notes is a tough technique for beginner harmonica players and it is where the secret to getting a bluesy sound lies, because its the way to get the flat third, fifth and seventh; the blue notes. The Bluesy Sound The term the blues usually refers to melancholy and sadness and is constantly heard in lyrics to describe a depressed mood. Blues is a form of expression and a feeling that is brought to a musical form. In very technical words, the blues form is characterized by specific chord progressions also found in other genres like folk, jazz, and rock and roll. The twelve-bar blues chord progression is one of the most common, although there are others like the eight-bar, used in songs like Key to the highway, originally by Big Bill Broonzy, or the sixteen-bar as in Ray Charles Sweet 16 Bars or in Herby Hancocks Watermelon Man. The basic twelve-bar framework blues progression has a distinctive form in phrase and chord structure and duration. The structure is based on the Tonic, Subdominant and Dominant chords of the key. For example: A blues song in the key of C would have the following structure: Take the Tonic Subdominant Dominant chords and play them in the following order: T T T T | S S T T | D S T T So the chords for a blues tune in the key of C would be C, F and G and they would be played in the following order: C C C C | F F C C | G F C C Fitting the lyrics in this structure makes them sing very much like poetry sound when it is read out loud. The structure consists on an AAB pattern, consisting of a line being sung over the first four bars, in repetitions over the next four bars, and a longer finishing line over the last four bars. Using Robert Johnsons Sweet Home Chicago as a standard twelve bar Blues example for analysis, we find the following pattern: Bar 1 Bar 2 Bar 3 Bar 4 A Come on, Baby dont you want to go Bar 5 Bar 6 Bar 7 Bar 8 A I said, come on, Baby dont you want to go Bar 9 Bar 10 Bar 11 Bar 12 B To that same old place Sweet home Chicago This progression of chords is the basis of thousands other rock and pop songs that often have a blue sound even without using the traditional twelve-bar arrangement. The harmonica player has to be very aware of what key and chord the song is in, because he has to fit in that progression or the notes he plays would not sound right. He then also has to know very well when and where to fit in the blue notes that, for expressive reasons are played flattened or gradually bent (minor 3rd to major 3rd, explained further along) in relation to the pitch of the major scale. After all, the blues is a feeling and although it can be analysed technically as any other musical genre, to play it right it has to be felt. Like Muddy Watters puts it when youve got no bread and your love sick youve got the blues. And although people cant even begin to imagine slavery, working in the cotton fields, or being racially discriminated like it was in those days, they can still feel the romanticism of that feeling in a sense of a Im with them! support. The blues is not all just about playing the twelve-bar, like Mick Abrahams from Fleetwood Mac says in the documentary Blues Britannia Can Blue Men Sing the Whites, If you can play one note in the twelve-bar solo and make somebody cry or laugh, or all the lovely emotions that are associated with music, thats truly to me the blues its almost a prayer Nonetheless some blues artists also used the blues as a base for more comical, raunchy lyrics, such as Big Joe Turners Rebecca (Rebecca, Rebecca, get you big legs off me, Rebecca, Rebecca, get you big legs off me. It may be sending you baby, but its worrying the hell out of me) or Tampa Reds Tight Like That (There was a little black rooster met a little brown hen, made a date at the barn about a half past ten). What got the Harmonica in to blues? The main thing that got the harmonica into the blues was its inexpensivenessà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ which now is a thing of the past as Paul Jones lead singer and harmonica player for Manfred Mann, says in the documentary Tin Sandwich Anyone?, and it is because at the time they were an affordable instrument that the African Americans managed to popularise by introducing it to the blues. Little Walter was quoted saying When I started to play harmonicas, they were a dime! Now theyre a dollar and a half! Those people ought to remember who popularised them that way! The first harmonica recordings made around 1924 by many unknown musicians totally revolutionised the way the instrument was played, and gave way to the blues harmonica as we know it. The harmonica allowed for some very visceral, meaningful sounds that almost felt like wails of pain and sorrow. They almost felt like an extension from the voice and were definitely very expressive and profound close intimate instruments. It was amazing how such a small simple instrument was able to communicate so many things and create so many different effects. Harmonica players at the time discovered that it was possible to lower the pitch of some of the notes by changing the shape of the air space inside his mouth whilst playing: Bending. They also found that drawing instead of blowing, and not playing in the key of the harmonica, but in the key of the dominant 7th chord, they could create sounds that had nothing to do with the major-key folk for which the harmonica was originally intended: the Cross Harp. Train imitations and fox-chases, or many of the typical blues licks, would have been unimaginable without these two features. Bending is probably the first way the player starts hearing a bluesy sound coming from this little instrument. Bends are essential for blues and rock harmonica sound, due to the sad and soulful sound the instrument can draw out. That wailing and howling of the blues harmonica is achieved by bending. Playing the harmonica in the same key as the song is in would mean the player is in the first position or strait. He would be mostly using blow notes and it is the way he would get a melody, or more of a folk sound. The cross harp, or second position, consists on taking the harmonica in a different key from the song (being in the circle of fifths) and mostly playing draw notes. For example: Accompanying a guitarist playing a song in A, the harmonica player could play an A harmonica in first position, or a D harmonica in the second position. Both would fit in but the D harmonica would make it sound more bluesy than the A harmonica. The way the cross harp works is that there are only so many scales one can do on each harmonica. On a piano or a guitar all scales can be played from all keys on the same instrument, but on the harmonica the player has to change keys. This way draw notes can be played easier and so can the blue notes. Usually beginner harmonicas come with a cross harp chart in the box (see illustration. x), where you can see what key you have to be on to sound bluesy or melodic. Many other techniques can be also used in combination. Vibrato, commonly used with other instruments, can also be done on the harmonica. Vibrato, as the name indicates, gives the notes a vibrating sound. Usually it is made by contracting the muscles on the throat and varying the airflow. Another typical way to do it is by opening a closing your hands around the instrument freeing more or less air. Vibrato is a very common effect used by singers and other instruments. Thanks to the way the harmonica is constructed, it also allows the player to play chords. A chord is a set of two or more notes played together harmonically. By stretching the mouth over two, three or four holes and playing them together as one melodic note you can get chords on the harmonica. By playing chords the player can also get a vamping effect, which is achieved by alternating chords and single notes to accompany himself while playing a song. The idea of vamping is to fill in the silences in the melody with chords in the right beat. By keeping that beat going, the player can make it sound like two harmonicas are playing; one doing the chords and another one doing the melody. Little Walter and Sonny Terry were both known for great vamping in their tunes. Usually their sound was very rich and full and the harmonica sounded more powerful. The Blues Harmonica Blues Origins and Background The blues goes back to the 17th century, in the United States. Blues is defined as the folk genre for the African-American population, mainly the Deep South, which originated from their spirituals, work songs, field hollers, shouts and chants, and rhymed simple narrative ballads. At the time united states were a British colony that brought slaves from Africa who populated most of the south of the country. They worked on the tobacco, cotton and rice plantations and were not allowed to practice their cultures and religions. The first bluesmen were people that used to sing about how their life was to try and relieve the pain. In a way they were trying to send messages that travelled from plantation to plantation, to show what being a slave was. Blues became, for the African-Americans, a form of expression and a way to tell their stories. It was emotionally deep, straight to the point and full of meaning. John Mayall, from the Blues Breakers says the main charm about the blues is that it has such an authenticity about in the fact that when you listen to it you hear these stories, and visualize that these are real stories. And often they were, as narrative of the lyrics was usually about the cruelty of police offices, oppression at the hands of white people and hard times. For example, in Blind Lemon Jeffersons Rising High Water Blues, he tells the story of the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 where he lost his girlfriend: Black water rising, Southern people cant make no time, Black water rising, Southern people cant make no time, And I cant get no hearing from that Memphis girl of mine After the war, lyrics became simpler and focused almost entirely on relationship despairs or sexual worries. Themes that recurrently appeared in pre-war blues such as economic depression, farming, gambling, magic, the devil, fires and floods were less common in post-war blues. Other lyrics by artist like Skip James, Reverend Gary Davis or Blind Willie Johnson were also artist recognized by more religious or spiritual performances, highly influenced by the Christian conversions. 1920s, First Harmonica Recordings As for the harmonica, Pete Hampton was probably the first African-American harmonica player to be recorded. Despite a productive recording career in the early 1900s with songs like Nigger Blues, he only seemed to have used the harmonica for one particular song titled Mouth Organ Coon, where the harmonica probably adopted the term Mouth Organ. He already used many effects including vocalising through the harmonica, the use of fox chase and train-like rhythm arrangements and simultaneous whistling. Hampton used an F diatonic harmonica and he played it in first position. Soon after that, Henry Whitter was the first to record in the cross harp position. Even though he was a white musician, he had adopted a remarkable African-American influence on his harmonica playing. He claimed to have made test recordings in March 1923 and recorded the final tracks around December 1923 in New York City, recording the first three harmonica solos. The tunes appear to be in the key of A, and Whitter played in the second position on a D harmonica. He also had a train imitation, this one played in first position in what looked like a key of B although it might have originally been played on a C harp, an slowed down at some point. Another early country music star was DeFord Bailey who became the first African American performer on the Grand Ole Opry, which was a weekly country music stage concert in Nashville, Tennessee that presented different artists from the genre from 1925. Bailey could play various instruments but he was best known for playing the harmonica and he played every Saturday night for 15 years, after he had to leave because of a dispute with management. He developed the fox-hunt and train techniques and he used a custom made megaphone to amplify the sound from his harmonica. At the time, music was totally acoustic and the harmonica could be played comfortably and heard perfectly while accompanying a guitar and a singer. Some players used a class or a jug to funnel the sound and gain a bit more amplification like DeFord Baileys custom megaphone. (See Pic XfunnelX) By then, the harmonica had proved to be an interesting new instrument full of different sounds and effects, radically departing from the manufactures intentions of a toy. 1930s, Lomax and the re-discovery The Emancipation Act of 1863, between 1870 and 1900, which freed the Black communities from slavery and had permitted them to build up the so called juke joints as places where Blacks could go to listen to some music, dance or have a gamble after a days work. Performances where held in places like the Cotton Club in Harlem, New York or many bars along the famous Beale Street in Memphis. This style was known as the Delta Blues, which consisted on traditional, rural country blues performed acoustically in more of a polished city urban style, also introducing new sounds like the bottle neck slide guitar and the floorboard stomping. By the end of the twenties, Vaudeville and tent-show singers, circus artists, boogie-woogie pianists, jug and jazz bands were to be heard at some point playing some form of the blues. Blues was becoming a vehicle for some people to earn a living by playing and entertaining the audiences. It was exclusively race music and the majority of white people didnt really know what it was or nor have the interest to listen to it. Outside the phonograph stores, black people would stand in line anxious to obtain the latest blues disc and by now there was already a reasonably large archive of blues music given by artists like Lead Belly, Henry Thomas and Big Walter Horton. Many harmonica players were recording in duos with guitarists like Hammie Nixon and Sleepy John Estes, or trios like Sonny Terry, Blind Boy Fuller and Bull City Red. Around the 1930s, John Lomax, pioneering musicologist and folklorist, together with his son Alan Lomax made a great number of non-commercial recordings for the Archive of American Folk songs. They went around the south of the United States with a mobile recording device, capturing many root songs, field hollers and ring shouts. This contributed in a great way to the blues because they managed to capture, catalogue and generate an archive of traditional and rural sounds. The instruments flexibility also captured the attention of classical music during this decade. Although some conservative musicians didnt approve of it and degraded it by considering it a toy, young Larry Adler managed to perform a minuet by Beethoven and later on had works written for the instrument by the composers like Ralph Vaughan Williams, Darius Milhaud, Malcolm Arnold and Arthur Benjamin. 1940s, Pre-war and Post-war Blues During the war, the United States experienced a shortage of harmonicas mainly because materials like wood and metal that were used to make harmonicas were in short supply due to military demand. Another problem was that Germany and Japan were the primary manufacturers of harmonicas and of course where the Axis powers opposed to the United States and the allied forces. Companies like Finn Harkon Magnus, developed a molded plastic harmonica that used plastic combs and far fewer pieces than traditional metal or wood harmonicas, which in a way made the harmonica more hygienic and far more efficient to mass produce. The sound from these harmonicas was inferior to the traditional ones but their inexpensiveness made them become a common toy among children. Between the late 30s and the 40s, many African-Americans were starting to migrate to other states further north in hope to find more acceptable working conditions. Many musicians based in Memphis moved to big cities like Chicago and New York encouraged by their music and the idea of making a living from entertainment. It was the beginning of what would later be called the Chicago Electric Blues. 1950s Chess Records and the Chicago Blues The 50s were the beginning of an era of high quality harmonica players. For instance Sonny Boy Williamson II, is one of the most important harmonica players of this era. The blues gradually began to use more electric amplification for the guitar, double bass, and vocals. Using a full blues band, as he usually played backed by a piano or a guitar, a bass and a drummer, Sonny Boy became a popular act in the South with his daily broadcasts when he was hired to play the King Biscuit Time show, advertising the King Biscuit brand of baking flour on the radio. Sonny Boy Williamson II also helped popularize the cross-harp technique and his way of playing which was very expressive, very sensual and very technical. Another key factor to this new era of blues harmonica was the Chess brothers. Leonard and Philip Chess were two Jewish immigrants from Poland who came to Chicago in 1928. They owned some bars on the south side of Chicago, their largest establishment being a nightclub called the Macomba. The Macomba had live performances and many of those were blues entertainers that had migrated to Chicago from the Mississippi delta during the late 30s and 40s. The Chess brothers realized that these artists were not being properly represented or recorded, so they decided to start recording them themselves. They entered into a partnership with Charles and Evelyn Aron in Aristocrat Records who had just opened Aristocrat Records to record blues, jazz and rhythm blues. The most important artist they recorded was McKinley Morganfield, who went by the name of Muddy Waters. He had come from Mississippi to Chicago a few years before and had been working on his own until he met the Chess brothers. His first records where of himself accompanied by a guitar or a piano. His deep raw singing style reflected the spirit of the blues and was quite unique. The Chess brothers were able to build Muddy Waters into Chicagos leading blues singer through their connections with radio stations and local clubs. In late 1949, Leonard and Phil Chess became the sole owners of Aristocrat Records and reorganized the company changing its name to Chess Records. Historically, the music business had always been dominated by a few major record labels which were Columbia, Victor, Decca, Capitol, Mercury, and MGM. These major labels had paid some attention to the blues and other root genres but had always placed the artists on secondary labels that were focused toward the race audience. Chess Records grew in those early days of both rhythm and blues and along with other independent record companies like Atlantic, Aladdin, Specialty, Imperial, Modern and King were giving the public music that they could not get from the established major record companies. Other young Mississippi bluesmen that were drawn to Chicago joined Muddy Waters band. One of the most brilliant musicians to play with Muddy was Little Walter Jacobs, whose outstanding harmonica made the band even better. The young harmonicist revolutionized the instrument by playing the harmonica through a microphone, typically a Bullet microphone sold for use by radio taxi dispatchers. He cupped in his hands around it with the harmonica, and tightened the air around the harp. It gave the instrument a punchy, mid-range, powerful, distorted sound that could be heard as loud as an electric guitar. MUCH MORE ABOUT LITTE WALTER His style, is amps and effects, his solo career. In 1952, Chess formed a subsidiary label called Checker where Little Walter recorded some of his own work. His first release was an instrumental piece called Juke which topped the Rhythm and Blues charts for eight weeks. He was able to top the charts again in 1955 with the song My Babe. A young record producer in Memphis Tennessee named Sam Phillips was recording a 300 pound farm worker named Chester Burnette, who became known as the Howlin Wolf. At the time, Phillips, who later established Sun Re

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

I Lost My fiancé, Best friend, and Soul-mate :: Personal Narrative Writing

I Lost My fiancà ©, Best friend, and Soul-mate Sometimes the worst bonds of confinement are the invisible ones. It is not always physical chains that keep one prisoner. The strongest force of imprisonment I have ever felt was not to another human or a concrete cell of any type, but to an emotion. One of the most powerful emotions God has given to us is Grief. Grief can entangle a human being in her suffocating web in an instant. Then she takes days, months, years, even decades to fully release her grip on the soul. Last April I began to feel the painful vise of Grief take hold of me like I never imagined. I have been grieving for a lost relationship for well over a year. Seventeen months ago I lost my fiancà ©, best friend, and soul-mate. We had been dating for three years. During this time we had been through some very challenging trials. The biggest one being his decision to join the United States Marine Corp. Over the course of his last deployment (which lasted 7 months) he was involved in some very intense training and covert missions. Upon his return he was a changed man. I no longer knew the cold, heartless, angry person who returned from the Middle East. The loving and caring man whom I desired to be my husband was nowhere to be found. His training in the Marines had stripped away all aspects of his personality. The only things left were the anger, rage and meanness that made him such an outstanding Marine to begin with. Somehow he had lost the power to turn these emotions on and off. The relationship had to be abandoned for my own safety. I experienced overwhelming feelings of sadness and loneliness. I had previously read about Grief, specifically, Elizabeth Kubler Ross and the five stages of grief associated with any type of loss. I can now tell you from experience that reading about denial, anger, bargaining, depression and finally acceptance is far different from actually living through these extremely powerful emotions. I can honestly say I felt these stages full-throttle. It is much more than a proces s of gently gliding from one into the next. More like bouncing in between them and sometimes lingering in one feeling for an extended period of time.